August 29, 2007

Cookie Monster Revisited

A friend from my college days -- a reader of Rising Daughter-- recently sent an email to alert me to the Mattel recalls of over 20 million toys made in China. Since recalls and safety are something I touch on professionally, I immediately checked out the details of the Cookie Monster's paint to make sure our electronic buddy was still safe for Elena. She gnaws on pretty much everything now and her safety, of course, is paramount. She really still loves the Cookie Monster (as you can see below), so I was happy to see we would not have to separate them! Thanks again for the great present, Mom!

I do feel that Cookie Monster will soon leave us, though. Lady E. is gaining upper body strength and a wee smidgen of motor control over her arms and hands, and I suspect that Cookie Monster’s head and body will soon be involuntarily separated by Elena, a.k.a. Mlle. Guillotine:
Liberté, Egalité, and bye-bye Cook-é!!

Elena now has two teeth. And she is starting furtive attempts at crawling. But I can’t get her to sit still long enough to snap a photo!

Here is another photo of the family BBQ from a couple of weeks ago. We got it from Seo-san, and this time, I'm in it!

The kinfolk said, Chris, move away from there. They said, “Hiroshima is the place you oughta be.” So in ’96 I got on a plane and moved there hastily.
Hiroshima, that is. Sushi sold, no movie stars.

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